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Prayer gathering Experiences & Testimonies

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We ask that you come with a willing heart and mind open to seeking God.


 Our desire during the Prayer Gatherings is to create a quiet and safe space for you to seek God's voice in a supportive and spiritually connected group setting. Setting your intentions toward being willing to receive whatever message God has to share with you that day, is one of the best ways to prepare. 

What To Expect During A Prayer Gathering

We ask that you be respectful to the others in the group.


During a Prayer Gathering, no one is required to share what thoughts or revelations have been revealed to them, however, people often do. It is important to remember that what they share is very meaningful to them, even though you might not understand its importance, God may use their message to begin something new within you. 

We ask that you capture your experience for a deeper reflection.


It is beneficial to have a notebook or journal during our time together to take notes for further processing of your revelations. Often things are revealed in your personal quiet time that need to be cultivated over a period of time for true growth and understanding.

What to Expet
Hear Other's Experiences
Praying Hands

Rick L. 

The Samuel's Bridge prayer gathering was more impactful than I expected, as I am not typically a fan of conference calls or zoom meetings. But when the scripture was read, followed by leaning in and listening in the silence that followed, I felt both a connection to the Holy Spirit as well as to the members of the group. The verses spoke to me in different ways each time it was read and listening to how the Spirit spoke to others in the group gave it even more depth and meaning. Very worthwhile time spent in fellowship with an intentional community. 

Ashley L.

Each Prayer Gathering experience has brought me something different. Peace and connection, strength and understanding; what I needed most at that time in my life. Experiencing the scriptures with others while being guided and encouraged by the Spirit is an incredible thing. The messages that I have received have brought healing to my life and inspiration to my work and now I can't imagine doing either without this time of reflection and unified growth. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to come and seek the Lord's voice with this community.

Bobbi B.

I really enjoyed the Samuels bridge prayer gathering. Meditating and soaking in scripture is so important! This gathering has demonstrated a new and effective way for me to do just that. We hear about taking a verse and digesting it, this gathering literally does just that! 

There is a time each person is allowed to share their personal experience of what was highlighted in their heart from the verse. This creates a community experience as well which encourages your heart even more. I look forward to the next opportunity!

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