In recent months I have asked the Lord to teach me about His providence. In my spirit, I sensed a difference between God’s sovereignty and His providence. I desire a deeper understanding.
At 8 AM on Saturday morning, my husband and our spiritual daughter loaded up their horses (Boaz and Frank) and headed out to a benefit trail ride.
At 8:38 AM, I received a call from my husband asking me to come to the scene of their accident.
In his adrenaline-infused voice, I heard the words “The horse trailer broke loose from the truck and has overturned on the highway”. I gathered my purse and car keys and began my journey, to what later, I realized was a discovery of God‘s providential power.
As I began to drive, a negative image of mangled horses came to my mind. As soon as the negative thought entered my mind, the Holy Spirit instructed me to reject the thought and pray.
I began to pray softly in the spirit. At one point I started reminding God how I had consistently by faith pled the blood of Jesus over my husband, our property, and our animals. I began to praise Jesus and the power of the cross. I thanked Him for the promises of protection. At one point I began to weep and continually called out the truth:
“You will be done Father, You are working it out for good, You are for me, what the enemy intends for evil, You work for good, no evil shall befall me”
It kept pouring out of me:
“Your mercy endures forever, You are a God of miracles, You have not given me a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind”.
The mind of Christ flooded my yielded mind and the declarations were gushing out of my mouth like water from a firehose.
Upon arrival at the accident, I witnessed our two horses standing in a field grazing with only minor cuts on their legs and faces. Although the horse trailer had structural damage, the truck had no damage. Savannah and Bart were uninjured and calm. I immediately heard one word: “Providence”.
On my drive home, a stillness engulfed me and the Holy Spirit unfolded a heavenly view of the incident. I am going to list the “I statements” as I heard them:
I instructed Bart’s mind on exactly how to handle the truck until he was in the right spot to drive the truck safely into a grassy field. I orchestrated perfect timing so no traffic was coming while the trailer blocked the highway. I instructed the man who stopped to help. I released the idea of how to get the horses out and the trailer off the road.
I dispatched angels inside the horse trailer to provide protection for the horses (the horses were literally standing up, their lead lines were still hooked in the trailer when Bart climbed inside to get them out).
I have much more to learn about Providence, but the point God highlighted to me was His providence works through His vessels and His angels. He instructed me to PRAY on the way to the scene of the accident. My prayers were happening simultaneously with the actions taking place at the scene. I was also studying specific scriptures from a Mike Bickel teaching right before I got the urgent call (listed below).
I am left with the fact that the wreck itself still took place and we will be responsible for the repairs. So, the revelation cost me something. How does all of this fit together?
And one last thing about the accident....it occurred in Providence Kentucky!!!
Join me in meditating on these verses over the next week. Let’s ask God to unfold more about His providence.
“With this in mind, we constantly pray that our God will empower you to live worthy of all that he has invited you to experience. And we pray that by his power all the pleasures of goodness and all works inspired by faith would fill you completely. By doing this the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you will be glorified in him, by the marvelous grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”
2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 TPT