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Childlike Wonder

Updated: Jul 25, 2023

Child Praying
Childlike Wonder - Samuels Bridge Devotional

I rarely go to Walmart but found myself there this week to pick up juice for my smoothies. As I was leaving the dairy/juice aisle with my juice, a woman on a motorized cart (also the only person I saw in Walmart without a mask) summons me. There were at least five or six people in the general area yet she drove right past them and called out to me to ask her question.

I stopped and she said, “Do you know how to make peanut butter cookies”? She proceeded to tell me she had intended to purchase the slice and bake peanut butter cookies but they were out of stock. She went on to say her boyfriend was getting out of jail that afternoon and peanut butter cookies were his favorite. She really wanted to surprise him.

I pulled out my cell phone and looked up an easy recipe for peanut butter cookies. Although she could not access the Internet on her phone, she was able to take a picture of the recipe to ensure that she would have the right ingredients and directions to prepare the cookies.

I departed with an encouraging word. As I walked away, I marveled at what had taken place and wondered what I should glean from this experience.

All the way home, I pondered my encounter with this young woman.

Various scriptures peppered my mind but the Lord did not speak to me.

Finally, this morning, I was speaking to God about verses He wanted to reveal this week. I was reminding Him it was the final hour and I needed help! It was in this moment of childlike faith, he unpacked His message to me regarding the Walmart encounter.

May each one of us meditate on these verses and seek God for personal revelation this week. He delights in our call for help!

“At that time the disciples came to ask Jesus, “Who is considered to be the greatest in heaven’s kingdom realm?” Jesus called a little one to his side and said to them, “Learn this well: Unless you dramatically change your way of thinking and become teachable, and learn about heaven’s kingdom realm with the wide-eyed wonder of a child, you will never be able to enter in. Whoever continually humbles himself to become like this gentle child is the greatest one in heaven’s kingdom realm. And if you tenderly care for this little one on my behalf, you are tenderly caring for me.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:1-5‬ ‭TPT‬‬

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